HERE WE GO again – later this afternoon, Mayo will once more take on Dublin in the All Ireland Final.
Whether The Curse is broken or not, we can all agree that Mayo fans go above and beyond for their county every time (and there have been so many times).
1. They’ll do almost anything to spread the Mayo For Sam message
There it is scrawled on the ground at the Tour de France in 2013. Madness.
2. In fact, they spend their lives convincing people who have no idea what ‘Mayo For Sam’ means to say it
Who are these lads? We’ve no idea. But you can bet your boots there’s a Mayo fan behind the camera absolutely DELIGHTED with themselves.
3. They’ve written an endless number of songs about their plight
There are three songs composed at the very least every time we reach the final. If Mayo were a musical act, they’d be Rihanna. Just churning out the hits.
4. The Church gets involved
The Mayo crest actually has deep ecclesiastical significance, you see, what with the crosses and Croagh Patrick and ‘Críost Linn’ written underneath. It’d be very rude not to.
5. Not to mention the sheep
Though it’s doubtful that they would have had any choice.
6. And they’re willing to do unspeakable things to a Ferrari
Car lovers across the land shudder.
7. Mayo brides devote their hen parties to the cause
Willy straws? Absolutely not. Aidan O’Shea masks are the only way to go.
8. They consistently go all out with the All Ireland Final ensembles
9. They don’t forget the hair either
10. They regularly take extreme risks on enemy turf
Yeah, that’s a Mayo flag stuck on the Ha’penny Bridge (the photo is from last year, but we’ve no doubt similar things are happening all over the city today).
11. And they even see fit to bring the donkey and cart to Croke Park
If that isn’t dedication we don’t know what is. HON M’YOOOO!